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Taking Coumadin / Warfarin Medical Alert Bracelets, Medical Alert Dog Tags, Medical Alert Pendants
Medical ID Bracelets, Medical ID Tags, Medical ID Necklaces – Custom Engraved!
The American College of Emergency Physicians advises people to “carry an emergency medical ID card or wear medical ID jewelry if they have a health condition, allergy, implanted device or if they are taking medications that might be life-threatening.” If you or a loved one are prescribed Coumadin or Warfarin, Shop Now for your Taking Coumadin / Warfarin Medical Alert Bracelets, Dog Tags or Necklaces.
Warfarin or Coumadin are one of the same (Warfarin – generic) and are anticoagulant medications. This means it helps prevent clots from forming in the blood. Blood thinners treat some types of heart disease.
You’ve been prescribed warfarin because your body may be making blood clots, or you may have a medical condition known to promote them. It’s often prescribed for folks with atrial fibrillation (an irregular heart rhythm), pulmonary embolism (blockage of a major blood vessel in the lung), Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and after artificial heart valve surgery or an orthopedic procedure like hip replacement or other types of bone surgery.
Blood clots can move to other parts of your body and cause serious medical problems, such as a heart attack. Warfarin won’t dissolve a blood clot. However, over time, the blood clot may dissolve on its own. Warfarin may also prevent other clots from forming or growing.
Blood thinning medications or anticoagulants save lives because they treat or prevent potentially life-threatening blood clots. However, they also pose a possible and very serious side effect which is bleeding. Since blood thinners slow the clotting of blood, unwanted and sometimes dangerous bleeding can occur with the use of these medications – especially with a fall, a head injury or a traumatic accident
A medical ID or medical alert bracelet or necklace is a very important tool that could save your life in an emergency situation. If you are ever hurt or injured – and not able to speak for yourself – our Coumadin / Warfarin medical alert bracelets or medical ID may be the only way first responders or doctors know how to begin treating you. If you are taking blood thinners medical professionals need to know immediately. If you are taking a new oral anticoagulant for which there are no reversal agents, doctors still need to know so they can care for you to the best of their abilities.
Our blood thinner medical alert bracelets, medical ID or necklaces are critically important and may save your life in an emergency situation. If you are ever hurt or injured – and not able to speak for yourself – our blood thinner medical alert bracelets or medical ID may be the only way first responders or doctors know how to begin treating you. If you are taking blood thinners medical professionals need to know immediately. If you are taking a new oral anticoagulant for which there are no reversal agents, doctors still need to know so they can care for you to the best of their abilities.
The American Heart Association provides the following recommendation on wearing medical identification.
“Those who require long-term warfarin should wear a Coumadin / Warfarin medical alert bracelets, necklace, or similar alert tag at all times. If an accident occurs and the person is too ill to communicate, a medical alert tag will help responders provide appropriate care. The alert should include a list of major medical conditions and the reason warfarin is needed, as well as the name and phone number of an emergency contact.”
We recommend that your engraving information include:
- Name and date of birth
- Specific medical condition(s) including those that require the need for anticoagulant blood thinners
- Specific name of the medication(s) you are taking that affect life-saving treatments.
- Allergies (Medications, Food, Other)
When room allows we recommend adding:
- Doctor name and phone number
- I.C.E. name and phone number (Emergency Contacts)
- Your address
- Your phone number

Universal Medical Data, LLC offers both custom engraved Medical ID Bracelets, Medical ID Dog Tags and Pendants Universal Medical Data, LLC offers CUSTOM ENGRAVED Medical ID Bracelets, Medical ID Dog Tags and Pendants for you to personalize using the suggestions above, as well as the most common medical conditions including Blood Thinners, Taking Coumadin / Warfarin, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.
FREE Online Access Emergency Medical Card.
Secure, easy to use, on-line registry to complete your medical information
Update your information as frequently as you want
Clear and concise printed information saved on a credit card sized form
Unlimited updating, editing, then save and print on your printer.
If you or a loved one are taking Blood Thinners, you are not alone. The American Heart Association is one of the most trusted resources for information, education, referral and support. Click HERE for more information on this subject.