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Hemophilia Medical Alert Bracelets
Medical ID Bracelets, Medical ID Tags, Medical ID Necklaces – Custom Engraved!
The American College of Emergency Physicians advises people to “carry an emergency medical ID card or wear medical ID jewelry if they have a health condition, allergy, implanted device or if they are taking medications that might be life-threatening.” If you or a loved one has Hemophilia Bleeding Disorders, Shop Now for your Hemophilia Medical Alert Bracelets, Dog Tags or Necklaces.
Bleeding disorders are a group of disorders that share the inability to form a proper blood clot. They are characterized by extended bleeding after injury, surgery, trauma or menstruation. Sometimes the bleeding is spontaneous, without a known or identifiable cause. Improper clotting can be caused by defects in blood components such as platelets and/or clotting proteins, also called clotting factors. The body produces 13 clotting factors. If any of them are defective or deficient, blood clotting is affected; a mild, moderate or severe bleeding disorder can result
Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective von Willebrand factor (VWF), a clotting protein. VWF binds factor VIII, a key clotting protein, and platelets in blood vessel walls, which help form a platelet plug during the clotting process. The condition is named after Finnish physician Erik von Willebrand, who first described it in the 1920s.
VWD is the most common bleeding disorder, affecting up to 1% of the US population. It is carried on chromosome 12 and occurs equally in men and women.
Some bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, can be inherited or acquired. Others can occur from such conditions as anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, HIV, leukemia and vitamin K deficiency. They also can result from certain medications that thin the blood, including aspirin, heparin and warfarin
Hemophilia A, also called factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency or classic hemophilia, is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective factor VIII, a clotting protein. Although it is passed down from parents to children, about 1/3 of cases are caused by a spontaneous mutation, a change in a gene.
People with Hemophilia A often, bleed longer than other people. Bleeds can occur internally, into joints and muscles, or externally, from minor cuts, dental procedures or trauma. How frequently a person bleeds and the severity of those bleeds depends on how much FVIII is in the plasma, the straw-colored fluid portion of blood.
Our Hemophilia medical alert bracelets, medical ID or necklaces are critically important and may save your life in an emergency situation. If you are ever hurt or injured – and not able to speak for yourself – our hemophilia medical alert bracelets or medical ID may be the only way first responders or doctors know how to begin treating you.
We recommend that your engraving information include:
The best treatment for latex allergy is avoidance. If you have severe latex allergy reaction you should:
- Name and date of birth
- Specific medical condition(s) (i.e. Factor VIII, Von Willebrand, etc.)
- Specific name of the medication(s) you are taking that affect life-saving treatments.
- Allergies (Medications, Food, Other)
When room allows we recommend adding:
- Doctor name and phone number
- I.C.E. name and phone number (Emergency Contacts)
- Your address
- Your phone number

Universal Medical Data, LLC offers CUSTOM ENGRAVED Medical ID Bracelets, Medical ID Dog Tags and Pendants for you to personalize using the suggestions above or of the most common medical conditions including Hemophilia, Von Willebrand Disease, Factor V, Factor VIII.
FREE Online Access Emergency Medical Card.
Secure, easy to use, on-line registry to complete your medical information
Update your information as frequently as you want
Clear and concise printed information saved on a credit card sized form
Unlimited updating, editing, then save and print on your printer.
If you or a loved one are taking medication for Hemophilia Bleeding Disorders, you are not alone. The National Hemophilia Foundation is one of the most trusted resources for information, education, referral and support. Click HERE for more information on this subject.