National Safety Month: Keep Loved Ones Safe, Happy, and Healthy with Vaccinations

Welcome to National Safety Month! For 2021, the National Safety Council (NSC) is focused on keeping workplaces safe from COVID-19. The country is finally rounding the corner and seeing significant reductions in the infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths from the dangerous virus that’s killed over 600,000 Americans since February 2020. So now’s the time to put the spotlight on keeping the country’s workers safe as everything opens up again. Learn about how the COVID-19 vaccine can help save the lives of the medical workers that put their lives on the line every day.
COVID-19 in the Workplace
The 2019 novel coronavirus has devastated the world. In the U.S., hundreds of thousands of Americans have died, and thousands more have long-term complications from the virus. No industry has been left untouched by COVID-19. However, health care workers have been impacted the most. Preliminary reports indicate over 3,600 medical staff members have died across the country through April 7, 2021, with nearly 500 deaths in New York State alone. However, experts believe this number is severely understated.
Sporadic outbreaks across the country at factories have also contributed to many worker’s deaths. Although reports are limited, experts estimate that over 200 meat-processing plant employees have died from COVID. Similar to health care workers, that number is probably lower than the actual amount.
Benefits of Vaccinations
The key to reducing the infection rate and keeping all workers safe is to develop herd immunity in all communities across the country. As vaccination rates increase, infection rates and hospitalizations are dropping significantly. The U.S. has administered 310.65 million vaccinations. Some states have hit over 70% of their population with at least one vaccination shot.
Unfortunately, research shows the people being hospitalized for COVID-19 and dying now are nearly all unvaccinated. A fraction of Americans can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons. This number includes newborns, children under 12, and people with compromised immune systems. People who get vaccinated not only protect themselves but the percentage of the population that’s unable to get the vaccine.
Let People Know Your Vaccination Status
You don’t have to reveal tons of personal information with your name, age, birth date, and complete vaccination history to let emergency responders know if you’re vaccinated against COVID-19. A simple engraved medical ID bracelet can discreetly inform first responders, emergency room professionals, and other health care providers know that you’re susceptible to the virus or a potential carrier. This small step of love can reduce the risk of COVID-19 and its variants for you and the people caring for you.
Order a Custom Medical ID Bracelet from Universal Medical Data Today!
Add the information about your vaccine status to your medical alert bracelet and let first responders know if you are or aren’t vaccinated. Additionally, the Responder Personal Health Record provides a record of all vaccinations, medications, and essential data about allergies and other medical conditions. This vital information can reduce the spread of COVID-19 and help keep you and those around you safe, happy, and healthy.