Add Your Blood Type to Your Medical Alert ID

Did you know that January is National Blood Donor Month? We want to remind you about other crucial Medical Alert ID information during this time dedicated to the awareness of a valent and vital service. There are four common blood types. In a medical emergency, time is of the essence. First responders need access to critical information, including your blood type.
Different Blood Types
Do you know your blood type? There are four main groupings.
Type A has the “A” antigen.
Type B contains the “B” antigen.
Type AB has both “A” and “B” antigens.
Type O has neither “A” nor “B” antigens.
If you aren’t a regular blood donor, it’s common not to have the information readily available. Your blood type is also connected to your parents. Similar to hair and eye color, your blood type is inherited from your mom and dad.
That’s okay. A quick call to your doctor’s office can get the information you need to engrave on your Medical Alert ID. Your physician will order a simple blood typing test to determine your exact type in the rare case that it’s not known.
It does get a little more complicated. Blood types also have an Rh factor. The two are Rh+ and Rh- have eight possible groupings to provide better matches. Much like people with Type O blood, if you have Rh-, you don’t have any Rh antigens.
People with Rh+ blood can receive Rh+ or Rh- blood. On the other hand, if you have Rh- blood, you can only receive Rh- blood. The medical community used to think the Rh factor wasn’t as important as the initial blood type. However, now they know all the factors are essential to your medical care.
How Blood Donors Contributions Work in Real-Time
Have you ever wondered what happened the blood you donate? It’s pretty impressive when you follow the path.
Type A can go to people with Type A and Type AB. Type A can only receive blood from Type A and Type O.
Type B can go to people with Type B and Type AB. Type B can only receive blood from Type B and Type O.
Type AB can go to people with Type AB, but they can receive the blood of either type.
Type O is universal and can go to anyone because they don’t have antigens.
What These Differences Mean to Medical Professionals
Getting the wrong blood type can be deadly. Your body will attack blood cells that don’t match it’s own as a foreign antigen. The response may include kidney failure, system shock, circulatory failure, and even death.
Make a difference in your future this National Blood Donor Month. Choose a Medical Alert ID with your blood type engraved to help EMTs, doctors, surgeons, and nurses make informed decisions about your care. No one expects an emergency, but they happen every day. Improve your chances of a faster recovery by carrying the tools necessary to help.